Practice Policy on Violence and Aggression

This policy is intended to protect everyone who works at the practice from possible harm from violent or aggressive behaviour. It also helps to fulfil the practice’s obligations to provide a safe place to work.

Our philosophy is that violence is unacceptable in whatever form it takes, for whatever reason.

It is the responsibility of every member of the practice to take reasonable care of the health and safety of him or herself and of other persons who might be affected by his or her acts and omissions at work.

This policy covers everyone who is engaged by the practice including self-employed contractors (for example associates), temporary and casual workers.

The operation of this policy is the responsibility of Lizzie Samson.

We define violence and aggression as:

  • actual or threatened physical assaults on staff
  • psychological abuse of staff
  • verbal abuse which includes shouting, swearing and gestures
  • threats against practice personnel which occur in the workplace.

The workplace is defined as the practice premises and all other premises where work is undertaken as part of the person’s official duties. Travelling to and from the workplace other than practice premises is also included within the definition.

To comply with this policy we will:

  • undertake risk assessment
  • ensure that the practice premises are secure
  • install a panic button on the reception desk and check each week that it is functioning
  • provide regular training in dealing with difficult/aggressive patients
  • provide training in dealing with assaults
  • provide personnel who are required to stay on the premises after 9pm, where necessary, with the cost of a taxi home
  • provide personnel who are required to visits patients in their homes with a personal alarm
  • aim to operate an effective appointment system and make the reception area as relaxing as possible to minimise delays and tension
  • operate a protocol for dealing with out-of-hours emergencies which will include call logging.

All incidents (however trivial) must be reported at once to Lizzie Samson, Practice Manager and a recording form completed. In the event of any actual or threatened violence, the police will be called. Injuries will be recorded in the accident book.

The practice will undertake to provide support, assistance and, if necessary, counselling to members of the practice who are victims of violence and aggression in the course of their work. In appropriate cases, a discretionary period of sick leave on full pay will be granted.

This policy will be reviewed and updated regularly.

Updated 03 February 2021